Paine College


1235 Fifteenth St.
Augusta GA 30904


Paine College

Paine College was founded in 1882 as the result of an unusual collaboration between Black and White Methodists who believed in church-related education as a means of advancement for a newly freed and underserved people. Leaders such as Bishop Lucius Holsey of the Colored (now Christian) Methodist Episcopal Church and Atticus Haygood, a Bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church South (now United Methodist) worked to establish The Paine Institute to train preachers and teachers to educate the newly freed men and women. In January 1884, classes began in rented quarters at 10th and Broad Streets in Augusta, Georgia. In 1903, Paine Institute was recharted as The Paine College.

Facility Amenities
  • Free Parking
  • Parking on Site
  • Public Restrooms
  • Self-guided Tours
General Information
  • Open Year 'Round
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