Jaemor Farms strawberries

Georgia Farms and Their Star Products

Sure, Georgia may be famous for sweet peaches, but the state also lays claim to dozens of incredible farmers, growing everything from pasture-raised meats to succulent strawberries and blueberries. Take a look at some of the star products from Georgia farms.

Jaemor Farms’ Strawberries

No trip to Georgia is complete without a stop at Jaemor Farms, one of the largest roadside markets across the country. Though this family-owned farm offers more than 50 varieties of produce, its strawberries are perhaps most prized. No surprise, considering more than 12 acres on the farm are devoted to growing 150,000 delicious strawberry plants. Don’t miss their annual strawberry festival, where you can pick your own berries straight from the plant, taste test tons of samples in the market and participate in a strawberry cook-off.

Pearson Farm peaches
Pearson Farm peaches

Pearson Farm’s Peaches

It would be impossible to talk about Georgia produce without mentioning the iconic peaches; likewise, conversations around Georgia peaches almost always lead back to Pearson Farm, a family-owned farm growing three types of juicy peaches: Clingstone, Semi-Clingstone and Freestone Peaches. You can’t throw a stone without finding these peaches on the menus of some of the best restaurants in town, from Miller Union to BoccaLupo.

White Oak Pastures meat
White Oak Pastures meat

White Oak Pastures’ Meat

Peruse nearly any local grocery store’s meat case and you’re likely to find grass-fed beef and pasture-raised chicken from White Oak Pastures, a 145-year-old, 1,000-acre farm in South Georgia acclaimed for its sustainable, humane practices. In fact, the multigenerational family farm raises and hand-butchers 10 varieties of meat (cows, hogs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, guineas, ducks and geese), not to mention pastured eggs and certified organic vegetables. You can even visit the farm to see for yourself just how special it truly is. There’s even a restaurant and lodging cabins on-site.

Mountain Fresh Creamery milk
Mountain Fresh Creamery milk

Mountain Fresh Creamery’s Dairy

Scott Glover, a fourth generation dairy farmer in North Georgia, has what feels like a stronghold on local dairy products in the state. Not only are his all-natural (read no hormones or antibiotics), non-homogenized milks and ice creams seemingly everywhere, but ask any other local farmer whose milk they drink and you’ll likely hear Mountain Fresh Creamery. Be sure to try their chocolate milk — it’s velvety smooth, and like their whole milk, bursting with delicious creamy flavor.

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